Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Things a Teacher Hears

If you have little kiddos, beware they tell their teacher EVERYTHING!I mean EVERYTHING. I was talking to a girl who taught inner city in New York the other day. She said she would always tell her kids and their parents that we won't tell what we hear at school about home, if you don't tell what you hear about school at home. This is the way I feel most days. Here are just a couple of things I have heard over the past couple of months.

X: "Sorry Mrs. W for getting too excited. I'm going over to my Dad's House, and I just love it over there so I'm really excited today. The only weird thing is that he sleeps naked? Mrs. W that is weird huh? Yes X that is a bit weird haha.

B: "Mrs. W the baby came out."

Z: "Mrs. W M's got weed in his desk." Don't worry it was just pencil shavings that he was pretending was weed. He still got in trouble.

Someone in my class was tattling that another student had said the F word. We then had a discussion about how the F word is not an appropriate word to say at school. I told the kids that we are better than that, and that at school we don't need to say words like that.

Z after our F word discussion: " Mrs. W, only at home we can say the F word?"

I have learned a whole lot from these kiddos. I love them. They are tough little buggers, that have very hard lives. Some days are so rewarding, some days are so hard, some days are so fun and funny. I will be forever grateful to these students and their parents for putting up with me as a first year teacher.


  1. Oh my the things kids say...I remember that all too well, parents don't realize how important it is what they do at home, even if their kids aren't there much of the day. I have always said Kids are no dummies, a lot of times I think they are smarter than us adults!

  2. You are awesome! I bet you are the best teacher... and soon to be second year teacher! :)

  3. Oh how funny. I wish I could come to your class just one day just to remember that first year teacherness. It is such a life changing year. You'll be forever glad you had the experience. I still am. You've almost made it! Congrats!

  4. Oh man-
    I keep laughing about this post!
    Its a good thing you can laugh about it- that's a good approach!
